Tag Archives: condone

A Tribute to Amber McIntosh: Woman. Mother. Psychopath Hunter Extraordinaire!

Yesterday morning when I arrived at work, I noticed two WordPress notifications on my iPhone.

They were to alert me that someone named Amber McIntosh had commented on my post from earlier this month, titled, ‘Personality Disordered People Can Destroy Your Life…Literally’. The feature of my post was a personality disordered woman named ‘Jonnica Ellis’, which, as it turns out, is just one of her many aliases. Here is a link to my post: Personality Disordered Individuals Can Destroy Your Life…Literally

This psychopathic woman made international news with how she scammed Thomas Doty, a young man dying of cancer, and his family to get closer to the Deadliest Catch reality tv star, Johnathan Hillstrand.

Thomas Doty with his mother, Tiffany

Thomas Doty with his mother, Tiffany

I wrote the post to highlight that personality disordered people are more common than we think and they keep journalists and news companies in business with how newsworthy their abhorrent behaviour is. Without personality disorders (PDs) there would be a whole lot more peace and harmony in this world. I guess a world without PDs would be…well…Utopia 🙂

Still, eradicating dangerous PDed individuals is very, er…’political’, *tongue in cheek*, so I can’t imagine the next Miss America contestant standing on stage in her elaborate ball gown imploring, ‘I would like to shoot all the dangerous psychopaths, narcissists and borderlines in order to solve world hunger and achieve peace on Earth!’ 😉

Eradicating PDs isn’t the answer. We have to live with them whether we like it or not!

Anyway, I digress…back on with my point… 🙂

Please don’t let my musings over all the experiences I’ve had with PDs or the news reports on psychopaths make you despair! There are good people in this world too! 😀

A glowing example of the good in this world is the amazing Amber McIntosh, the woman who commented on my post yesterday to inform me there had been an update in the quest to find out who this ‘Jonnica Ellis’ really is. Ms McIntosh provided a link to a US news article that you can read here. In reading the article, I was excited to discover that Ms McIntosh was a stay-at-home mother in Florida who was so outraged at what ‘Jonnica Ellis’ had done to the Doty family that she took it upon herself to track down the true identity of this psychopathic trickster! And, amazingly, she did it!!! ‘Jonnica’s’ real name is Marci Rose. She’s from Harrisville, a small village in Lewis County, New York.

Psychopathic Marci Rose, aka 'Jonnica Ellis'

Psychopathic Marci Rose, aka ‘Jonnica Ellis’ has been exposed!

Anyone who knows me is aware that I have a very strong sense of justice. That’s why Ms McIntosh made my day yesterday when I found out that she shares my passion for justice, evidenced by her relentless commitment to finding the real ‘Jonnica’ for the late Thomas Doty and his loved ones. Ms McIntosh didn’t know the Doty’s or Thomas, and yet, as a caring, compassionate human being, she poured all her time, energy and talents into tracking down the disgraceful Marci Rose and exposing her to the world!!!

Ms McIntosh began her search by starting up a Facebook page, ‘Who is the SICKO That Called Herself Jonnica Ellis? on which she added a link to my post, ‘Personality Disordered People Can Destroy Your Life…Literally’. Ms McIntosh also alerted me to the fact that Marci Rose had even pressed ‘Like’ on the link to my post that says she’s a psychopath! Here’s a screenshot of it:

Marci Rose 'Likes' a Link to My Blog That Says She's a Psychopath!

Marci Rose ‘Likes’ a link to my blog that says she’s a psychopath!

From what Ms McIntosh uncovered about Marci Rose, she does indeed fit the profile of a psychopath (aka antisocial personality disorder). Sadly, as far as the law is concerned, it appears that Marci will not be subject to any penalty for what she did to the Doty’s. In fact, Marci is likely to slip under the radar again, steal a few more photos of some young attractive woman, make up another alias (or ten) and go scam the masses again. After all that she has done she considers herself to be the victim in all of this! The audacity of this woman is astounding, until I remind myself again that she is a textbook psychopath! Marci lacks remorse and has no insight into her disordered thinking and behaviour.

Even if mandated to receive treatment, Marci may never be rehabilitated. Not all psychopaths can be ‘cured’. It is likely that if she is taught to have empathy, she will just use this as another tool to manipulate others for her own desires. The ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes can make a non-psychopath more compassionate. But for a psychopath, it just gives them more insight into ways they could control regular people for whatever their heart most desires.

Marci Rose is a sick person but she is not crazy. She just has no regard for anyone but herself. She has not learnt her lesson. She’s just learnt what not to do next time so that she doesn’t get caught. Laws need to be changed…inaction on behalf of the law condones the kind of atrocious acts Marci committed against the Dotys. Condoning it will just mean that such morally reprehensible behaviour will become more frequent.

I strongly encourage you to read the news article about how Amber McIntosh exposed Marci Rose to the world! Ms McIntosh is a brilliant amateur detective!

Amber McIntosh, this post is for you! Thank you for restoring so many people’s faith in humanity and reminding us that there are some very good people in this world, such as yourself 🙂

I encourage everyone to take on the mantle of Ms McIntosh and be extraordinary!

Be compassionate and kind to people even if they are strangers. And for goodness sake, if you can identify with Marci Rose, and have a little too much in common with her; go and get some professional help before you destroy more lives.

Amber, you are a hero 😉

P.S. An official foundation in memory of Thomas Doty is in the process of being registered at present. In the meantime, if you’d like to donate, you can still do so at www.HealThomas.com

P.P.S. Amber McIntosh is continuing to make this world a better place by pushing to have laws rewritten to make what Marci Rose did illegal. Check out Ms McIntosh’s Facebook page ‘Who is the SICKO That Called Herself Jonnica Ellis? for more information on the proposed ‘Thomas Doty Law’ and see how you might be able to assist with the fundraising. This is a cause worth getting involved with. Ms McIntosh’s altruistic nature is second to none. The world is a better place because she is in it 🙂

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